Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fresh Breath

Phew! It's been a while since I've been back on this blog. I'm sort of glad summer is over. To an extent, anyway. I missed thinking and pondering. Doing and getting things done. I missed STAC. Anyway, here it goes:

  • 1. What is the first creative moment you remember?
  • - I remember my first creative moment when I was probably 6 or 7. Something like that. I remembered it was spring time and me being outside running around with a plastic cup, collecting plants, rocks, pieces of garbage, whatever I could get my hands on, and dropping it all in the plastic cup. I took a stick, mixed it all together and called it a "secret concoction." I tried feeding it to my friends and family. 
  • 2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
  • - Yes! There was! I was in on this with a good childhood friend of mine. Her grandmother didn't really appreciate it when I plucked off all the flower buds from her flower bed and added it to my secret concoction though. 
  • 3. What is the best idea you’ve ever had?
  • - Oof, this is a hard one. I think maybe the best idea I've ever had was deciding to eat french fries with ice cream. It's delicious.
  • 4. What made it great in your mind?
  • - How can you go wrong?
  • 5. What is the dumbest idea?
  • - One time when I was blow-drying my hair, an idea suddenly popped into my mind. I thought, "how cool would it be if instead of wind and noise blowing out of the blow dryer.....WIND AND MUSIC blowing out of the blow dryer!? I could make millions!"
  • 6. What made it stupid?
  • - I told my mother about it and she laughed at me.
  • 7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?
  • - I like music, I like having nice hair, but I hate the wait time of drying hair. LET'S MAKE IT FUN AND INCORPORATE MUSIC AND MAKE IT IMPRACTICAL.


  1. "WIND AND MUSIC blowing out of the blow dryer"

    This is a great idea! It leads to many other ideas.

    I love the secret concoction. We forget about that fun stuff - making gross things, gross food.

    When I was young, I had a friend I'd see once a year. His name was Cliffie Voges. And it was the BEST DAY. We would pretend to be chefs on the beach near my house. We would find some big dead fish carcass at low tide, and then cook it on a fire we built using driftwood, in cans and things we found on the beach, spiced with bits of seaweed and chunks of fiddler crab. It was loads of fun, and a disgusting awful smelly mess! We would justify all our cooking techniques, "Ah, zees will open up zee flavour if wee add zees jelly fish." Superb. Simply superb. The day I waited for all summer. All year. And I still cook! And sometimes it's gross!

    1. Hahahaha! That sounds exactly how my secret concoction went down. Complete with silly, bizarre accents and imaginary lab coats.

      Memories are nice.

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