Sunday, September 30, 2012

Independent Projecto

I have decided to start my independent project! I'm working with planes. Not airplanes, but dimensional planes. This concept draws from the Post-Impressionist painter, Paul Cezanne.

I have to draw/paint different parts of my body in terms of planes on this HUGE strip of paper. And when I say huge, I mean huge. It's almost 15 ft. I think. Whatever, just know that it's really big.
Being really big, I couldn't hang it up on a wall, so I'm forced to put it on the ground and do my work.

Here's what I have so far.

The Fall

I enjoyed The Fall very much.
I thought that it was not only incredibly visually stunning, but extremely deep as well. There was so many things going on at once. It was a story about stories. But what I personally got from the movie was color.

I am aware of the fact that my color theory and use of color is not that well, which is why I want to improve on it. The movie had such vivid color composition whether it was intentional or not.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Let's get busy.

Paul Cezanne is a French Post-Impressionist painter.
Now, I have absolutely no clue what Impressionism was, let alone Post-Impressionism. So I looked it up.

"Impressionist painting characteristics include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), common, ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles."
  • Short, thick strokes of paint quickly capture the essence of the subject, rather than its details. The paint is often applied impasto.
  • Colours are applied side-by-side with as little mixing as possible, creating a vibrant surface. The optical mixing of colours occurs in the eye of the viewer.
  • Grays and dark tones are produced by mixing complementary colours. Pure impressionism avoids the use of black paint.
  • Wet paint is placed into wet paint without waiting for successive applications to dry, producing softer edges and intermingling of colour.
  • Painters often worked in the evening to produce effets de soir—the shadowy effects of evening or twilight.
  • Impressionist paintings do not exploit the transparency of thin paint films (glazes), which earlier artists manipulated carefully to produce effects. The impressionist painting surface is typically opaque.
  • The play of natural light is emphasized. Close attention is paid to the reflection of colours from object to object.
  • In paintings made en plein air (outdoors), shadows are boldly painted with the blue of the sky as it is reflected onto surfaces, giving a sense of freshness previously not represented in painting. (Blue shadows on snow inspired the technique.)
"Post-Impressionists extended Impressionism while rejecting its limitations: they continued using vivid colours, thick application of paint, distinctive brush strokes, and real-life subject matter, but they were more inclined to emphasize geometric forms, to distort form for expressive effect, and to use unnatural or arbitrary colour."

Now that I got the basics covered, I can move onto Paul Cezanne. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, interesting things. Hearing that Picasso and Matisse said that Cezanne "is the father of us all" made my ears perk up. Also the fact that Cezanne didn't have any financial worries surprised me too, especially since there's always that myth surrounding starving artists. The light airy techniques of his paintings intrigue me as well. They evoke moods that words alone cannot.

Also the way that Cezanne approached his work very similarly reminds me of how I was taught to draw growing up. To simplify and to look at everything in terms of geometric shapes. I don't know if even after years of formal training that technique has stuck with me or not, but I have definitely learned to draw like that before.

Cezanne liked to concentrate on still lifes, portraits, landscapes, and studies of bathers.

The fact that Cezanne died while painting took "doing what you love" to a whole other level.


I especially enjoy the landscapes he painted of mountains. He utilized the physical structure of a mountain- jagged, rocky, and rough- and through that, the essence of cubism evolved.
Many times, my brain is so scattered and so strained because I have the insatiable need to learn EVERYTHING. I sit and think about how little I actually know and how much there still out there to absorb. It's frustrating.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


1) You've worked on a group film and on your own. In which situation are you most comfortable - group or solo? Which do you work best in?

- I'd like to say that I'm good at communicating with people as well as myself. This being said, I enjoy working in both groups and flying solo. In groups, you have the ability to bounce ideas off of each other and the ability to build on one another. Working solo, you have the gift of having to listen to yourself and yourself only. That could be a good thing and a bad thing. The same would go for working in a group. 

Now I think I'm only saying this when it comes to working in a film. If you're talking about working on an art project (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.), I usually prefer to work alone. Other people tend to mess things up.

 2) What did you learn that you expected to learn?

- Pretty much everything. That and well, just working hands on. It's an interesting experience since I'm so used to working 2D. It's a different type of experience when you move from the flat planes of 2D to the tangible aspects of 3D.

3) What did you learn that you didn't expect to learn?  

- The technique that you can use a fan brush to get rid of streaks of paint.

4) What didn't you learn that you expected to learn?

- Nothing really. 

 5) Praise your amazing achievement and explain your brilliant plan for pulling it off.

- My project is witty, smart and nasty as well as being incredibly well done given the fact that I completed it in a mere 5 days. It really gets the message across of it being a snarky political remark. Even my name for the sculpture is fantastic! GOOP being a play on word, of course. GOOP in the sense that the sculpture is literally constructed from trash, and GOOP in the sense that it's sending subliminal messages about the Republican Party. I couldn't have done it better, and neither could have anyone else.


1) How much time did you spend working?

- I spent around 5 days working.

2) How much time did you spend thinking about the work - sort of sitting there and staring at it, or listening to it over and over again, etc.?

- I spent, I'd say around two days thinking about it and completing some preliminary sketches. Three days if you count buying all the supplies I needed in order to execute the project.

3) How much time did you spend doing other stuff that seems like work to that make you think you're working but you're not?

- None. I slammed through the entire project.

4) How much time did you spend socializing?

- None. Nada. Zip. Just me, my sculpture, and some good ol' music.

5) How did you use your community?

- I used my cheerleaders to continuously confirm that what I was doing was good. I also bounced ideas off of Luke, which was good because after talking to him, things morphed.

6) Rip apart your awful project and how did such a disaster happen?

- It was messily put together. The plaster gives the elephant such a gritty and uncomfortable texture to stare at. I should've used plaster to give it that smooth quality I was looking for. I should've also used masking tape to tape off what I wasn't painting so that all the lines were crisp, clean, and straight. The stars on the elephant were also a complete and utter mess. And don't get me started on the actual structure itself. It's jagged. It's not even balanced. One leg of the elephant doesn't even properly touch the base. It's so shitty.

7) You've completed a step on your path. What is your next step?

-Keep workin.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Final product, whaddup.

I'm going to bring in my Nikon tomorrow, so I'll put up better pictures once that is done.

I should've gotten a shot from the side but I completely forgot. 


Upon watching the Republican National Convention with presidential candidate being Mitt Romney, I finally concluded that everything could be summed up into GOOP. 
What GOOP literally is is a political statement about the "Grand Old Party" made into the form of a sculpture. 
I believe that it speaks for itself.
From one side, the sculpture just simply looks like an elephant with the American Flag painted on it. 
From the other side however, trash and money are pouring out.
My choice in picking an elephant was intentional because elephants represent the Republican party.
My choice in having money and trash pour out from inside the elephant represent my views on Republicans- loaded with money and well, trash. 
So that being said, how about we all pitch in and vote Romney 2012 and watch America crumble between his fingers? 
Like Mitt said, "Keep America American."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt Romney 2012

Here it is, ladies and gents! The much awaited (almost) done product. I believe I did a very good job of timing myself on this project and I'm satisfied with how it's coming along. How it looks like in person is very much how I believed it would look in my head so I'm happy with that. My inspiration for this project is obviously tied into politics. Over the summer, my interest in politics began to bud and it eventually turned into this. I call it GOOP.

I still have one day to finish my project (tomorrow) so I'm going to finish gluing all the trash and money falling out, seal it with some polyurethane, and call it a day.

Excited to finish it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

day 1

My project is going extremely smooth and according to plan! Everything looks just about right, meaning how it looks in my head. I'm going to finish painting it in the style of the American Flag, seal it with polyurethane, and then stuff it with garbage and trash. I was thinking about it and I think I might create a gross newspaper pulp to stuff the majority of my sculpture, then hot glue some defined pieces of garbage, then print out some money and put it all together.

I think it will be okay.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Woah! An elephant!

I've started to create my project (which I will tell you more about later) with mesh, wire, and some hot glue.

It's much smaller than I originally anticipated for it to be, but that's okay. I'm not fretting over it.

I'm exciting to get this together!

*UPDATE* I finished the frame.


I sucked it up and decided to plaster it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fresh Breath

Phew! It's been a while since I've been back on this blog. I'm sort of glad summer is over. To an extent, anyway. I missed thinking and pondering. Doing and getting things done. I missed STAC. Anyway, here it goes:

  • 1. What is the first creative moment you remember?
  • - I remember my first creative moment when I was probably 6 or 7. Something like that. I remembered it was spring time and me being outside running around with a plastic cup, collecting plants, rocks, pieces of garbage, whatever I could get my hands on, and dropping it all in the plastic cup. I took a stick, mixed it all together and called it a "secret concoction." I tried feeding it to my friends and family. 
  • 2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
  • - Yes! There was! I was in on this with a good childhood friend of mine. Her grandmother didn't really appreciate it when I plucked off all the flower buds from her flower bed and added it to my secret concoction though. 
  • 3. What is the best idea you’ve ever had?
  • - Oof, this is a hard one. I think maybe the best idea I've ever had was deciding to eat french fries with ice cream. It's delicious.
  • 4. What made it great in your mind?
  • - How can you go wrong?
  • 5. What is the dumbest idea?
  • - One time when I was blow-drying my hair, an idea suddenly popped into my mind. I thought, "how cool would it be if instead of wind and noise blowing out of the blow dryer.....WIND AND MUSIC blowing out of the blow dryer!? I could make millions!"
  • 6. What made it stupid?
  • - I told my mother about it and she laughed at me.
  • 7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea?
  • - I like music, I like having nice hair, but I hate the wait time of drying hair. LET'S MAKE IT FUN AND INCORPORATE MUSIC AND MAKE IT IMPRACTICAL.