Monday, January 30, 2012

Practice and Passion is Key.

With what Luke said today about not liking something because you suck- It's scarily accurate. The concept might've passed my mind a couple of times, but I never really realized that it was the truth until he said it today.

You don't enjoy something unless you're good at it.
Why would someone want to do something that they suck at?
Because they like to suck at things?

Another thing that really bothers me are the type of people who complain about being bad at things (I'm guilty of this, but hey, at least I'm being honest and trying to do something about it) and yet decides to do absolutely nothing about it but sulk and think about how much they're terrible at it.

There are two ways you can look at things:
You can look at somebody else's accomplishments and think "Wow..this person is really good....God, I suck!" OR you can think "Wow! This person is so good! I hope I can one day become as good as them, and maybe one day even surpass them."

You don't get anywhere by just sitting around and hoping some godsend miracle comes and strikes you with a talent so brilliant people around you will need sunglasses- You get places in life by simply getting shit done.

You don't become better at anything without failure. Without practice. Without passion.


I'm still trying to put a point on what Expressionism is, but from what I saw during STAC, I think it's quite safe to say that it's definitely heavily influenced by Death, The Circle of Life, and Spirituality.

It also reminds me a bit of the Dada movement. The varying scales with no particular pattern used in opera composition is similar to the "beliefs" connected to Dada. It doesn't make much sense, but it does. The orchestra that played for the opera play sounded so bizarre, but at the same time it was strangely beautiful.

I feel that Expressionism is also a little bit Minimalist. Butoh is so slow and simple, but it says so much with the amount of movement that is stressed. What we watched in STAC was very interesting to me and yes, maybe sitting through a few hours of that may make me go insane, for the time being it was very engrossing.

Hopefully over the course of this week, I'll have a more solid grasp on what this movement really was.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Work, Work, Work.

As much as I loathe and despise work, I love it at the same time.

It keeps the mind busy.

For if the mind stops working, it starts to decay,

And before you know it, the working matters in a brain has crumbled, collapsed, fallen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Afraid of Fear

I find it very interesting how fear dictates everything that we are.

We're afraid of judgement. We're afraid of losing. We're afraid of ourselves.

If fear didn't exist, then anything would be possible. Literally.
Fear is the only thing that holds a person back from taking a risk.
Yes, you may fall...but you also may fly.

You won't know unless you try, or die trying.