Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I guess this is my blog post about making a film.

I have my qualms about writing films on my own because it's a pretty revealing medium and frankly, I'm afraid and nervous. And I don't particularly like writing films-- I'm much more interested in shooting them. But anyway, I dodged that bullet in order to do what I have to do, which is to produce a film- that's why I teamed up with Sarah Robinson.

We're in the middle of putting together a plot for a film centered around a person who turns into a werewolf during a full moon and needs adult supervision.

I had originally wanted to do a more serious script but I don't believe that I'm ready to tackle it quite yet. It's a bit too complex for my limited knowledge of creating films and I think my reluctance to take the time to flush out a script is also preventing me from leaping forward. I know we always emphasize bold optimism, but I'm a bit scared to be quite honest. I am a very open person but there are some thought processes that I keep rather hidden from the naked eye and I'm hesitant to bring that out into film format. It feels more comfortable to bring out that hidden knowledge in the form of paintings for me, but then again, maybe I'm just making excuses to not create a solo film.

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