Sunday, March 31, 2013


I did some practice on human faces today and ended with a quick self portrait of myself! I'm not very good with faces which is exactly why I'm practicing. It started out pretty rough today, but after I warmed up and got to the third face, I think it came out really well. Sometimes it surprises me what comes out of the ability that I have.

I'm not used to drawing self portraits and I don't like drawing self portraits, but I thought I'd give it a go. I think I just don't like how I look on paper..haha..I don't like looking at my face. Funny because that's pretty much a parallel in my life- in any given situation, I'm always the one behind the camera. I don't like being on stage very much. I don't like drawing my face.



  1. The picture of the man with the glasses is amazing. These are all really really good. Jeez!

  2. I really like how you use lines for shading~ It's so fascinating
