Saturday, June 15, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013


My sisters 23rd birthday is coming up next week, so I thought it'd be appropriate to make her something. I had an old painting that was lying around which I didn't care much for, so I thought "hey, why not take it and make it into something better?"

This is what I came up with. And for the record, the quote is from this hilarious show called "Bob's Burgers." 

I started out with this. It's acrylic: 

I then went on Microsoft word and since my printer was broken, I decided to painstakingly trace over ever letter of helvetica on the computer screen onto prices of paper to cut out. Then because I'm a diligent little shit, I continued to tape down every one of these little suckers. 

I took white acrylic and painted over the taped down letters. The purpose of this was so that once it dried, I could pull up the paper cut outs and that would leave the unprinted painting behind.

My original plan was to stop here, but something didnt feel right. I didn't really like how to came out- it was missing something. I sat around and listened to my painting- I slapped on some red, and I'm glad I did.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


I've open requests to anyone who wanted a drawn portrait of themselves! The sole purpose for doing this is to practice more.

This is the first one.


I've been wondering what it's like to draw a portrait digitally ever since I've become a little more confident with drawing faces.

This was my first go. My reference was a photo of Audrey Hepburn.

Doing some experimenting with watercolors. Flipped through a magazine and found this pretty lady! I'm happy with how it's coming out, but her nose could have been a tad bit shorter and her face a little wider.

Now obviously I'm not finished with this yet; I have much more layering to do. I had a picture of just the sketch, but I accidentally deleted the photo..which sucks cause it was nice. Oh well, c'est la vie!
